How to Shorten Your PowerShell Command Prompt


Are you tired of long, cluttered command prompts in PowerShell? By customizing your $PROFILE, you can shorten your prompt to display only the last folder in your path. This simple tweak makes your terminal cleaner and easier to read, especially when navigating deep directory structures.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to update your $PROFILE and create a custom prompt for PowerShell.

Why Customize Your PowerShell Prompt?

PowerShell’s default prompt displays the full directory path, which can become overwhelming when working in deeply nested folders. By shortening the prompt to show only the last folder, you:

  • Improve readability: Focus on the current directory without distractions.
  • Save space: Free up horizontal space in your terminal window.
  • Enhance productivity: Navigate and work more efficiently in PowerShell.

Steps to Shorten Your PowerShell Prompt

Follow these simple steps to customize your PowerShell prompt:

1. Open a PowerShell Prompt

Launch PowerShell to begin customizing your environment.

2. Create Your $PROFILE (If It Doesn’t Exist)

The $PROFILE file is where you can store customizations for your PowerShell environment. To create it, run the following command:

if (!(Test-Path -Path $PROFILE)) {  
    New-Item -ItemType File -Path $PROFILE -Force  

This command checks if the $PROFILE file exists. If it doesn’t, it creates one for you.

3. Edit Your $PROFILE in Notepad

Open the $PROFILE file for editing using Notepad:

notepad $PROFILE

4. Add the Custom Prompt Function

Inside the $PROFILE file, add the following lines of code:

function prompt {  
    $p = Split-Path -leaf -path (Get-Location)  
    "$p> "  

This function modifies the prompt to display only the last folder in your current path.

5. Save and Reload PowerShell

Save the changes in Notepad and close the editor. Restart PowerShell, and you’ll see the shorter prompt in action:

PS FolderName>

Example Output

Here’s how your prompt will look after applying the changes:

Before Customization

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared>

After Customization

PS Microsoft Shared>

Benefits of a Shortened PowerShell Prompt

1. Cleaner Interface

A shorter prompt declutters your terminal, making it easier to focus on your tasks.

2. Easier Navigation

When moving between directories, the simplified prompt helps you quickly identify your current location.

3. Customizable

The $PROFILE file allows you to tweak the prompt further or add other customizations to suit your workflow.


For more information on customizing your PowerShell environment, visit the official Microsoft documentation:
Customizing Your Shell Environment – PowerShell | Microsoft Learn

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