Troubleshooting Azure Disk Encryption Error: RUNTIME_E_KEYVAULT_SECRET_WRAP_WITH_KEK_FAILED

When enabling Azure Disk Encryption for your Virtual Machine (VM), you may encounter the following error: JSON’code’: ‘VMExtensionProvisioningError’, ‘message’: ‘VM has reported a failure when processing extension ‘AzureDiskEncryption’ (publisher ‘Microsoft.Azure.Security’ and type ‘AzureDiskEncryption’). Error message: ‘[] Failed to enable Azure Disk Encryption on the VM with the following exception details:\n Microsoft.Cis.Security.BitLocker.BitlockerIaasVMExtension.BitlockerFailedToSendEncryptionSettingsException: The fault reason was: ‘0xc142506f RUNTIME_E_KEYVAULT_SECRET_WRAP_WITH_KEK_FAILED … Read more