Networking Basics for Ubuntu Server: A Comprehensive Guide

Networking is a fundamental aspect of server administration, especially when working with Ubuntu Server. Whether you’re setting up a server in a cloud environment or managing an on-premises infrastructure, understanding how to configure network interfaces, assign static IP addresses, manage networking services, and troubleshoot connectivity issues is crucial. In this guide, we’ll cover the essentials of networking on Ubuntu Server, including the use of Netplan (the default network configuration tool in Ubuntu 22.04), handling cloud-init-generated configurations, managing networking services, and troubleshooting common issues.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Networking on Ubuntu Server
  2. Configuring Network Interfaces with Netplan (Cloud-Init Updates)
  3. Setting Up a Static IP Address
  4. Managing Networking Services
  5. Known Issues and Warnings in Netplan
  6. Command-Line Tools for Network Management
  7. Troubleshooting Common Network Issues
  8. Conclusion

1. Introduction to Networking on Ubuntu Server

Ubuntu Server uses Netplan as its default network configuration tool starting from Ubuntu 17.10. Netplan simplifies the process of defining network configurations using YAML files. In Ubuntu Server 22.04, systemd-networkd is the default backend service for managing networking, while NetworkManager is typically used in desktop environments or specific server configurations requiring advanced network management.

Default Networking Backends

  • Ubuntu Server 22.04: Uses systemd-networkd as the default networking service.
  • Ubuntu Desktop 22.04: Uses NetworkManager as the default networking service.

If you are using Ubuntu Desktop or have installed NetworkManager manually on Ubuntu Server, you can manage your network interfaces with it. However, NetworkManager is not installed by default on Ubuntu Server editions.

2. Configuring Network Interfaces with Netplan (Cloud-Init Updates)

In cloud environments, the Netplan configuration file is often named /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml. This file is generated by cloud-init, and changes to it will not persist across instance reboots unless cloud-init’s network configuration capabilities are disabled.

Disabling Cloud-Init Network Configuration

To disable cloud-init’s network configuration capabilities, create a file at /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg:

sudo nano /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg

Add the following content:

network: {config: disabled}

After disabling cloud-init’s network configuration, you can create and manage persistent Netplan configuration files manually.

Example: Configuring a Static IP Address with Netplan

If your Netplan configuration file is /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml, you can modify it directly or create a new configuration file (e.g., /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml) for persistent settings.

  • Open the Netplan configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml
  • Modify the content to set a static IP address:
  version: 2
      dhcp4: no
        - to: default
  • eth0: Replace this with the name of your network interface (use ip a to list interfaces).
  • addresses: Assigns a static IP address.
  • routes:
    • to: default: Specifies the default route.
    • via: Defines the gateway address.
  • nameservers: Specifies DNS servers.
  • Apply the configuration:
sudo netplan apply
  • Verify the configuration:
ip a

3. Setting Up a Static IP Address

While Netplan is the recommended tool, you can also configure a static IP address manually in /etc/network/interfaces (used in older Ubuntu versions) or through command-line tools.

Using the ip Command

The ip command is a versatile tool for managing network interfaces. Below is an example of assigning a static IP address temporarily:

sudo ip addr add dev eth0
sudo ip route add default via
  • ip addr add: Assigns an IP address to the network interface.
  • ip route add: Sets the default gateway.

Note: These changes are temporary and will be lost after a reboot. Use Netplan for persistent configurations.

4. Managing Networking Services

Ubuntu uses systemd-networkd as the default networking service for server environments. Managing this service effectively is critical for ensuring stable network connectivity.

Checking the Status of Networking Services

To check the status of the networking service, use the following command:

sudo systemctl status systemd-networkd

This will display the current status and any errors related to the systemd-networkd service.

Restarting the Networking Service

If you need to restart the networking service after making changes to your configuration:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-networkd

Enabling or Disabling the Networking Service

To enable the networking service to start automatically on boot:

sudo systemctl enable systemd-networkd

To disable the networking service:

sudo systemctl disable systemd-networkd

Using NetworkManager (Optional)

If you are using NetworkManager instead of systemd-networkd, you can manage the service as follows:

  • Check the status:sudo systemctl status NetworkManager
  • Restart the service:sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
  • Enable or disable NetworkManager:sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager

5. Known Issues and Warnings in Netplan

When configuring a static IP on an Ubuntu 22.04 server using Netplan, you may encounter the following warnings:

Warning: Cannot call Open vSwitch: ovsdb-server.service is not running

This warning occurs because Netplan attempts to detect Open vSwitch, a virtual networking switch often used in cloud and virtualized environments. If Open vSwitch is not installed, Netplan produces the warning.

Resolving the Warning

You can safely ignore this warning if you do not use Open vSwitch. However, to eliminate it, you can install the openvswitch-switch-dpdk package, which provides the necessary components for Open vSwitch.

Run the following command:

sudo apt install openvswitch-switch-dpdk

Once installed, Netplan will detect the presence of Open vSwitch and stop producing the warning.

Known Bug Reference

This issue has been officially reported as a bug in Netplan.

6. Command-Line Tools for Network Management

Ubuntu provides a variety of tools for managing and troubleshooting network configurations. Here are some of the most commonly used ones:

6.1 ip Command

The ip command replaces the older ifconfig tool and is more powerful and flexible.

  • View network interfaces:ip a
  • Check routes:ip route
  • Bring an interface up/down:sudo ip link set eth0 up sudo ip link set eth0 down

6.2 ping Command

The ping command is used to test connectivity to another host.


6.3 traceroute Command

The traceroute command identifies the network path to a destination.

sudo apt install traceroute

6.4 curl Command

The curl command tests HTTP connectivity.


7. Troubleshooting Common Network Issues

Networking issues are common in server environments. Here are some scenarios and troubleshooting steps:

Scenario 1: Network Interface Not Working

  1. Check the status of the interface:ip a
  2. Bring the interface up:sudo ip link set eth0 up

Scenario 2: Unable to Ping External Hosts

  1. Verify the default gateway:ip route
  2. Check DNS resolution:nslookup If DNS is not resolving, update the nameservers in your Netplan configuration.

Scenario 3: Netplan Configuration Issues

  1. Validate the Netplan YAML file:sudo netplan try This tests the configuration without applying it permanently.
  2. Reapply the configuration:sudo netplan apply

Scenario 4: Check the Networking Service

If network connectivity issues persist, check the status of the networking service:

sudo systemctl status systemd-networkd

If errors are reported, restart the service:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-networkd

Scenario 5: Firewall Blocking Traffic

  1. Check firewall rules:sudo ufw status
  2. Allow necessary traffic:sudo ufw allow 22/tcp sudo ufw allow 80/tcp

Scenario 6: Packet Loss or Latency Issues

  1. Use ping to check for packet loss:ping -c 10
  2. Use traceroute to identify network bottlenecks:traceroute

8. Conclusion

Networking is a critical skill for Ubuntu Server administrators. This guide covered the basics of configuring network interfaces, managing networking services, addressing Netplan warnings, setting up static IPs, using command-line tools, and troubleshooting common issues. By mastering tools like Netplan, ip, and ping, you can efficiently manage and resolve network-related challenges on your server.

For further reading, refer to the official Ubuntu documentation on Netplan and Networking Basics.

Next Steps: Patching, Package Management, and Security

In the next section of this series, we’ll dive deeper into critical aspects of Ubuntu Server management, focusing on patching, package management, and security. These topics are essential for maintaining a secure, stable, and efficient server environment.

1. Installing and Managing Software

Master the basics of installing, updating, and managing software on Ubuntu Server using apt and other package management tools. Learn how to efficiently manage dependencies and repositories to ensure your server is equipped with the necessary software.

2. Patching and Updating Ubuntu Server

  • Why patching is critical for security and stability.
  • Using apt to update and upgrade the server.
  • Understanding the difference between apt updateapt upgrade, and apt full-upgrade.
  • Automating updates with unattended-upgrades.
  • Handling kernel updates and rebooting gracefully with reboot-required.

3. Securing Your Ubuntu Server

  • Practical steps to secure your server, including configuring firewalls (ufw), setting up SSH securely, and using tools like fail2ban to protect against attacks.
  • Learn how to harden your server against vulnerabilities and unauthorized access.

4. Audit and Logging on Ubuntu Server

  • Introduction to system auditing and the importance of logs.
  • Using auditd to track and record system events.
  • Configuring log rotation with logrotate.
  • Monitoring the /var/log directory for critical events to ensure proactive server management.

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