Converting Epoch Time in PowerShell: A Practical Guide

Understanding and working with Epoch time in PowerShell is essential when dealing with date and time operations in scenarios like JWT tokens, assertions, or system logs. This guide provides examples of how to manipulate Epoch time and convert it into human-readable formats using PowerShell.

What Is Epoch Time?

Epoch time, also known as Unix timePOSIX time, or Unix timestamp, is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), excluding leap seconds. It is widely used in programming and systems as a standard representation of time.

In JWT tokens, Epoch time is commonly used for claims such as iat (issued at), nbf (not before), and exp (expiration). Below is an example of Epoch time in a JWT token:

  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "RS256",
  "x5t": "3PaK4EfYBNQu3CtjYsa3YmhqQ5E0",
  "kid": "3PaK4EfYBNQu3CtjYsa3YmhqQ5E0",
  "aud": "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
  "iss": "",
  "iat": 1729784492,
  "nbf": 1729784492,
  "exp": 1729787119

Working with Date and Time in PowerShell

Get Current Date and Time in UTC

To get the current date and time in UTC:

$utc = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()

Convert to ISO 8601 Standard Format

To convert the UTC date to ISO 8601 format:

Get-Date ((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()) -Format o

Adding and Subtracting Time

You can add or subtract time from the current date in PowerShell using the following commands:

Add Time

Get-Date ($utc).AddYears(1) -Format o
Get-Date ($utc).AddMonths(1) -Format o
Get-Date ($utc).AddDays(1) -Format o
Get-Date ($utc).AddHours(1) -Format o
Get-Date ($utc).AddMinutes(1) -Format o
Get-Date ($utc).AddSeconds(1) -Format o

Subtract Time

Get-Date ($utc).AddYears(-1) -Format o
Get-Date ($utc).AddMonths(-1) -Format o
Get-Date ($utc).AddDays(-1) -Format o
Get-Date ($utc).AddHours(-1) -Format o
Get-Date ($utc).AddMinutes(-1) -Format o
Get-Date ($utc).AddSeconds(-1) -Format o

Convert Epoch Time to Readable Date

To convert Epoch time (e.g., exp claim in JWT) into a human-readable date:

$epoch = "1729838496"
(Get-Date -Date "1/1/1970").AddSeconds($epoch)

Generate Epoch Time

To generate Epoch time from the current date:

Get-Date $((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()) -UFormat %s

To generate Epoch time that is 12 hours ahead:

Get-Date $((Get-Date).AddHours(12).ToUniversalTime()) -UFormat %s

Useful Online Tools

If you need a quick conversion tool, you can use:


PowerShell makes it easy to work with Epoch time for various use cases, including JWT token claims, assertions, and system logs. By leveraging the commands above, you can manipulate and convert Epoch time efficiently, ensuring accurate time handling in your scripts and applications.

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