Chattr and Lsattr Commands in Linux: A Guide to File Attributes


In Linux, certain file and directory attributes can only be accessed or modified using specific commands. These attributes allow you to restrict file operations, such as preventing deletion or modification, even by the root user. This functionality is particularly helpful for securing critical files and directories.

In this guide, we’ll cover two essential commands:

  • chattr: Used to set or unset file attributes.
  • lsattr: Used to view file attributes.

These commands are commonly used on ext2ext3, and ext4 file systems, and they are critical tools for system administrators.

What is the chattr Command?

The chattr command allows you to change file attributes on a Linux file system. It uses symbolic modes to add, remove, or set specific attributes. These attributes can control how files behave, such as making them immutable or append-only.

Key Features of chattr:

  • Protect files from accidental deletion or modification.
  • Restrict file operations, even for root users.
  • Enable advanced file management and security.

Official Documentation for chattr

For more details, refer to the official chattr documentation:
Linux Man Pages – chattr

What is the lsattr Command?

The lsattr command lists the attributes of files and directories on an ext2ext3, or ext4 file system. It is particularly useful for troubleshooting when you encounter file access issues.

Key Features of lsattr:

  • View file attributes in an easy-to-read format.
  • Troubleshoot access and modification issues caused by file attributes.

Official Documentation for lsattr

For more details, refer to the official lsattr documentation:
Linux Man Pages – lsattr

Syntax of the Commands

chattr Command Syntax

chattr [ -RVf ] [ -v version ] [ -p project ] [ + | - | = [attributes] ] files...


  • -R: Recursively change attributes of directories and their contents.
  • -V: Display verbose output and program version.
  • -f: Suppress most error messages.
  • -v version: Set the file’s version/generation number.
  • -p project: Set the file’s project number.
  • +: Add the specified attributes.
  • -: Remove the specified attributes.
  • =: Set the attributes exactly as specified.
  • attributes: A combination of attribute flags (e.g., ia, etc.).
  • files...: Target files or directories.


  • Add the immutable attribute:chattr +i filename
  • Remove the append-only attribute:chattr -a filename
  • Set attributes exactly (e.g., immutable and append-only):chattr =ia filename

lsattr Command Syntax

lsattr [ -RVadlpv ] [ files... ]


  • -R: Recursively list attributes of directories and their contents.
  • -V: Display the program version.
  • -a: List all files, including hidden files (those starting with .).
  • -d: List directories like regular files, rather than listing their contents.
  • -l: Print the options using long names instead of single-letter abbreviations.
  • -p: List the file’s project number.
  • -v: List the file’s version/generation number.
  • files...: Target files or directories.


  • Display attributes of a file:lsattr filename
  • Display attributes of all files in a directory:lsattr /path/to/directory

Common File Attributes and Their Flags

The table below summarizes the most common file attributes and their meanings:

Append-onlyaFile can only be opened in append mode for writing.
ImmutableiFile cannot be modified, deleted, or renamed.
No atimeAFile access time (atime) is not updated to reduce disk I/O.
No dumpdFile is excluded from backups using the dump program.
Data journalingjFile data is written to the journal before being written to the file itself.
Synchronous updatesSUpdates to the file are written synchronously to disk.
UndeletableuWhen the file is deleted, its data is saved for potential recovery.

For a full list of attributes, see the chattr man page:
Linux Man Pages – chattr

Troubleshooting with chattr and lsattr

Problem: Unable to Modify or Delete a File

If you encounter an error like:

E212: Can't open file for writing

Follow these steps:

  1. Check File Permissions
    Verify the file’s permissions using:ls -l filename
  2. Check File Attributes
    Use the lsattr command to check for attributes that may restrict modifications:lsattr filename
  3. Remove Restrictive Attributes
    If the file has the i (immutable) or a (append-only) attribute, remove it using the chattr command:chattr -i filename chattr -a filename
  4. Verify Changes
    Re-run the lsattr command to confirm the attributes have been removed:lsattr filename

Practical Example: Fixing a File with the a Attribute


You are unable to modify or rename the file /etc/ssh/known_hosts.

Steps to Resolve:

  1. Check the file attributes:lsattr /etc/ssh/known_hosts
  2. If the a attribute is set, remove it:chattr -a /etc/ssh/known_hosts
  3. Verify the attribute has been removed:lsattr /etc/ssh/known_hosts
  4. You should now be able to save or rename the file.


The chattr and lsattr commands are invaluable tools for managing file attributes in Linux. They provide an extra layer of protection for critical files and directories, making them essential for system administrators. Whether you’re securing configuration files or troubleshooting file access issues, mastering these commands will enhance your Linux expertise.

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